Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Lapsit Storytime

At my library, we offer a Baby Storytime for ages 6 months to 23 months old. However, we also offer a Lapsit Storytime for newborns up to 10 months old. I like this idea a lot because it allows me to focus more specifically on lap rhymes and songs as well as helping parents bond with their child so early on.

Here's my outline for this first week (The headings in green are things that I do every week):

Before Parents/Babies Arrive:
  • I set a quilt down in the middle of the room. This is what the parents/babies sit around during storytime and I sit on the floor with them.
  • I place a handful of board books and 3 to 4 puppets in the middle of the quilt for the babies to look at/touch during storytime if they like.
  • I put on some Baby Mozart in the background as they arrive and settle in. 

Greeting: "Hello Babies" (tune: Goodnight Ladies)

Hello babies, 
Hello babies
Hello babies,
Hello, hello, hello!

Then I go around the quilt to each baby with my demonstration doll (a teddy bear) and sing the song again, this time inserting their name:

Hello ______,
Hello ______,
Hello ______,
Hello, hello, hello!

Opening Song: "The More We Get Together" (with baby sign language)

I teach this song using the signs for "more", "together", "happy", and "friend"

The more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we'll be!
'Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together
The happier we'll be!

Clapping Nursery Rhyme: "Pat-A-Cake"

I like to do a nursery rhyme or other familiar short rhyme where we just clap along with saying it. I think this helps babies develop clapping skills and gives them an introduction to rhythm. Plus, it's nice to do rhymes/songs that parents are most likely familiar with and will feel comfortable chanting along with me.

Book: Snappy Little Farmyard by Dugald Steer

I try to do a really short book, preferably a pop-up or lift-the-flap to engage the babies.

Rocking Rhyme: "Tick-Tock"

Tick-tock, tick-tock (rock baby)
I'm a little cuckoo clock
Tick-tock, tick-tock
Now I'm striking one o'clock...Cuckoo! (lift baby once on "cuckoo!")

Repeat with two o'clock (lift twice) and three o'clock (lift 3 times)

Tickle/Touch Rhyme or Song: "Itsy-Bitsy Spider"

I like to give parents a couple of different options for the motions with each rhyme because every baby/parent is different. 

The itsy-bitsy spider (tickle fingers up baby's tummy or do the motions with hands for baby)
Went up the water spout
Down came the rain and (tickle fingers down baby or flutter fingers down)
Washed the spider out
Out came the sun and (rub baby's belly in a circle or hold hands above head for sun)
The itsy-bitsy spider (tickle fingers up baby's tummy or do the motions with hands)
Went up the spout again!

Bounce/Action Rhyme or Song: "Way Up High in the Apple Tree"

Way up high in the apple tree (raise arms or baby above head)
Two little apples I did see (make or point to 2 fists)
I shook that tree as hard as I could (jiggle baby)
And d-o-w-n came the apples (lower arms or baby)
Mmmm they were good! (rub tummy)

Tickle/Touch Rhyme or Song: "Where is Thumbkin?"

Where is thumbkin?
Where is thumbkin?
Here I am! Here I am! (bring out thumb or touch babys' thumbs)
How are you today, sir? (wiggle thumbs)
Very well, I thank you.
Run away. Run away. (hide thumbs behind back)

Repeat with pointer, tall man, ring man, pinkie, and whole family.

Bounce/Action Rhyme or Song: "Clap Your Hands" (tune: Row Row Row Your Boat)

Clap, clap, clap your hands
Clap them now with me
Do it now, let me see
Clap your hands with me

Repeat with roll your hands, shake your legs, tap your feet.

Goodbye Song: "Skinnamarink"

I tell parents that they can do this song any way you like. For the tune and an example of movement, see the video below:

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