Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Check It Out!: Library Services for Children Journal Club

Even as someone who's been in the library world for a few years now, I'm constantly looking to improve myself through webinars/workshops/etc. And I find myself searching for those learning opportunities that go beyond the basics. So I was extremely excited to read about a new initiative from Lindsey Krabbenhoft (of Jbrary fame) and Christie Menzo called the Library Services for Children Journal Club!

So what is it, you ask? It's a resource to help children's library staff stay current on topics that are relevant to our work.

How does it work, you ask? Every other month, those who want to participate will have the chance to read and engage in discussions on a selected topic. This could include an in-person group meeting (if there's one local to you) and/or online discussion.

This is a great (and free!) way for children's services staff to develop themselves professionally and to think more critically about why they do what they do. And hopefully it will also encourage participants to foster dialogues with colleagues.

I'll definitely be sharing this initiative with my professional learning network and I invite others to do the same. I would love to eventually create a meetup for those in my area, so if any readers are from the Ohio area, let me know!

For more information, just click here. I hope to see lots of people talking about it online using the hashtag #lscjournalclub!

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